In order to improve any situation we first need to know what is expected of us. Our religion is very clear alhamdulillah. We should think in terms of what can we offer, instead of the mindset what can I get or what are MY rights in this marriage/relationship. You need to be as fair to your husband as you would want him to be fair to you. It can save us women from a lot of agony if we were to "give up" on what we believe is rightfully ours and place our trust in Allah swt. It is not easy to overcome ones ego. Especially in western countries we have been conditioned to interact with men in a way that makes long lasting relationships very difficult. The feminist movement had an intend to improve women's life, but only the ones that fit into there scheme. Unfortunately the rest were left to defend for themselves. Our religion offers the only perfect solution to women's problems that is to know our worth to not get mistreated but to also know our place within a marriage so we won't transgress against another.
1. To be a good Muslim, a women will be obedient to Allah and the Prophet saw.
2. She follows the 5 Pillars of Islam, Shahada, praying, fasting, giving zakat/sadaqa, preforms the Hajj if possible.
3. She is obedient to her husband unless commanded to do evil.
4. She bears his children and does not ask him for divorce for no reason ( except: in case of abuse, extreme incompatibility, for whatever reason does not ever again wants to have sex with her husband).
5. She tries to always look and smell nice for her husband.
6. In her husbands absence she protects his money and honor.
7. She is always polite to her husband and checks his needs.
8. If her husband is angry, she always tries to calm and please him.
“There are three whose prayers will not be accepted and none of whose good deeds will ascend to heaven: a runaway slave, until he returns to his master; a drunken man until he becomes sober; and a woman with whom her husband is angry, until he is pleased with her.” - Ibn Hibban
Choose the type of husband you can be a pious wife to. Choose wisely! Be fair to your brother in Islam and be true to yourself. Marry someone you are eager to be the best wife towards and someone you can be patient with.
Advice for sisters: Everybody wants to have a good marriage, but nobody seems to want to do what is necessary. And Allah swt did prefer one over the other, because they give from their wealth and
are meant to protect their wives. There is wisdom in everything Allah swt commands. We cannot simply follow the commandments whenever they make sense to us and wait to implement others until we
have "figured" them out. Being a source of comfort, support, the wife your husband can depend on especially in critical situations should be your first priority. Allah swt has given us the
opportunity to gain Jannah through pleasing our husbands. Which comes natural for us, because we want our husbands to love us.
1. Avoid angering your husband. Remember the Prophet saw said: " Whosoever leaves an argument for the sake of Allah, I will guarantee him paradise..."
2. Avoid harming your husband in any way. Be it through words, attitude, silent treatment, making him jealous, doing things/ spending your wealth on something he dislikes, have contact with people he dislikes.
3. Avoid being unappreciative or unthankful to your husband. Acknowledge the fact that he provides, protects and is balancing everything. All the pressure lies on his shoulders. Rejoice over the small and big things he does for you. Try to always be cheerful and praise him with your words and actions.
4. Don't deny your husband sexual pleasure. (except: bad health condition or pain)"....the angels will curse her till the morning." Compare it with your husband denying you the love you need. And don't ever spill the secrets of your intimate relationship with your spouse to other people.
5. Avoid the voluntary fasting unless your husband gives you permission.
6. Communicate with your husband and incorporate him in all your affairs. We always want our spouses to spend more time with us. Yet we don't involve them in our thought processes and even our decisions, which makes them feel unwanted.
7. He needs to feel like the most wanted person in the household. Don't push your husband aside simply because your busy with the kids, other family members, hobbies, friends, etc. He needs to be your first priority in life.
8. Don't leave the house without your husbands permission. And avoid asking him to leave for unnecessary things. Combine chores while outside to avoid frequent trips outside the house.
9. Know your husbands likes and dislikes regarding the big and small things.
10. Cooking & Cleaning according to your husbands standards. Keep the house and kids clean. You also need to find time to keep yourself looking and smelling good. Try your best to prepare his favorite meal the way HE wants it. Even if that means asking your mother- in law or sister- in law, ... etc. for recipes. Some men are very particular about cooking & cleaning. If you are raised in a western household you might not understand the importance. It is tied to your respect and love towards your husband.
11. Be sensual and seductive. There is no other way to say it, but men are visual beings and love women. Try to flirt with your husband and seek attention by adorning yourself and let him know that you need him.
12. Greeting & saying good bye. Whenever your husband comes home make it an effort to greet him with a smile and welcome him home that he feels appreciated by you and the kids. Be it that you have a meal already prepared or a snack, asking him how his day was. He needs to feel wanted at home and respected for all the effort he puts forward. And yes sisters our men do more than what meets the eye.
13. Being resourceful. As westerners we grew up with a wasteful mentality. Allah swt does not love the wasteful as He mentions in the Quran several times. Our Prophet saw has advised us not to waste water even on a running stream. SubanAllah this is very much neglected even after converting to Islam. This is also a major topic of dispute within multicultural marriages.
14. Being intuitive. "reading your husbands lips" is an art that can be learned. It takes effort and commitment. We are all intuitive with the things that are most important with us. For western women it is usually the children. We know what they want before they even ask and we know what they are about to do before they even think of it. The art is to project this approach to our relationship with our spouses. The key it to make the husband your No 1 priority. It is a deeply rooted attitude that must be obtained to keep a happy marriage.
"If a woman dies while her husband was pleased with her, she will enter into Paradise." -Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi
Remember we will be paid in full on the Day of Judgment NOT in this Dunya. I'm emphasizing so much on this topic, because this is one of the diseases that hold us back in life from giving more so
than taking.
Once more. Choose the type of husband you can be a pious wife to. Choose wisely! Be fair to your brother in Islam and be true to yourself. Marry someone you are eager to be the best wife towards and someone you can be patient with.